Four decades of real experience


Guest blog post by Dare to be Great 3 Gold Sponsor Showalter & Company, Inc.

One of the questions we’re asked most about Showalter & Company, Inc., is why did you start your own company? The answer is really quite simple. We wanted to provide great quality training our way! We wanted to show those that attend our classes and conference sessions that no matter who they are in their department...they can effect a positive change.  We also wanted to show that training, recruiting and public safety classes don’t have to be boring and full of useless information.  We are becoming well known for willingness to schedule classes during all hours, because we clearly understand that dispatchers don’t work 9-5.  Out of all of the public safety training companies, why choose Showalter & Company, Inc? We believe our experience plays a pivotal role in your decision making, since we offer over four decades of real experience. 

Doug has recently retired after 30 years with the California Highway Patrol, during his career he held a variety of leadership positions and increasing responsibilities, including supervising the statewide dispatch academy training program.  During this time, he was responsible for a complete overhaul of the program, and revisions to several departmental manuals.  He had a considerable reputation throughout the department as a “go-to” person for training, recruiting and supervisory skills.  In addition to working full-time for the CHP, he is also a nationally known public safety speaker and trainer. 

Jill Showalter brings her 10 years of dispatching experience to our company, after working in a large metropolitan communications center in the State of Maryland.  Throughout her tenure she was very active in the training of new employees.  Combining their vast public safety experience and an outstanding business insights, they have developed classes that effectively blend private sector successes into public safety communications.  These distinctive classes are specifically designed to approach training in a unique and exceptional manner that will leave every member of your department with useful, practical, and relevant information.  

Our current lineup of classes offered are “Dispatching During Social Unrest”, “The Business of Leadership”, “Leading into The Future”, “Training for Success”, “Doing Time in Dispatch” and “Expecting the Unexpected”.  However, our classes aren’t your conventional type courses, ours are taught from a business perspective...if a Fortune 500 company wouldn’t do that, why would your Communications Centers do that?  These specially designed training classes are intended to benefit everyone from the highest-ranking member to the newest employee of your department.  The reason to choose Showalter & Company, Inc., is our distinctive and unique approach to training, if you are tired of the same old, same old, then we would be the clear choice.