captain kevin haight, m.a. - idaho state police
Captain Haight possesses over 21 years of service with the Idaho State Police. He is passionate about the emergency dispatching profession and is a critic of apathy towards emergency dispatching professionalization and standardization initiatives, arguing for an intervention of the status quo.
His law enforcement experience includes patrol, recruiting, executive protection, field training, honor guard, reconstruction, criminal interdiction, and now as Captain of the agency’s Statewide Emergency Communications program.
He is appointed to the Idaho Public Safety Communications Commission, chairs its PSAP Standards & Training Committee, and serves on the Idaho Chapter of APCO/NENA board, the APCO/NENA National Joint TERT Initiative (NJTI) Committee, the APCO ProCHRT Committee, and the Denise Amber Lee Foundation board.
He is an Idaho POST-Certified General Subjects instructor, teaching Ethical Decision-Making since 2013. He holds a B.A. degree inBusiness from Ohio Christian University, completed Northwestern University Center for Public Safety’s School of Police Staff andCommand, and holds an M.A. degree in Security Studies from Naval Postgraduate School, Center for Homeland Defense and Security.