Humanizing the voice within the trenches
On August 24th, 2016 I inserted myself into the battle for reclassification. I wanted to prove how different 9-1-1 dispatchers were from clerical workers and commercial dispatchers by sharing anonymous stories from the Thin Gold Line. You answered the call to action by sharing all over the world and with a mere glimpse into a call you opened the eyes of millions. You gave a raw look into dispatch like no one has ever done before. You changed the media, the general public, Industry Partners and those out in the field. You are a vital piece of public safety and you gained massive recognition. I am so proud of each and every one of you and honored to know so many of you.
A month after the movement was born, a companion called Project #IAM911 was launched revealing the faces that make up the movement. The intent was to humanize the voice within the trenches. Hundreds of dispatchers sent in pictures with #IAM911 on their hands and signs revealing who they are and that they are human. Imagine Listening followed as an extension to the podcast sharing the stories that have been submitted for the movement saying that, “Your worst day is our everyday.” The #IAM911 movement continues to grow, stories are posted daily and as we approach the 2nd anniversary, the day we let the world know who we are and what we do, the movement will continue with a segment in the form of #IAM911 #ThisIsMe.
What I am looking for this time is a picture of you in dispatch or in every day life. I want you to share a glimpse into your dispatch experience, good or bad. Give me your honest, raw, look at what it has been like for you. Pictures have been posted as examples. Just remember to use #IAM911 #ThisIsMe. If you would like to do a team photo and share a glimpse into a team experience then please use #IAM911 #ThisIsUs. Let’s continue to show the world who we are and what we do. Let’s show them that when they hurt, we hurt. We are human and this is us.
Here’s to the coming anniversary. #IAM911 #ThisIsMe #ThisIsUs
Please send your memes to the Facebook podcast inbox, Twitter DM, Instagram DM or email us at wttpodcast@gmail.com. If you do not know how to create a meme you can send your image and experience and we will put it together and post it.