
Nicole Janey - ECC Supervisor, Chelsea Emergency Management

Nicole is currently a supervisor with Chelsea Emergency Management and Communications.  She has 15 years’ experience with dispatching and 911.  She is passionate about all things related to 911 mental health and wellness, and is particularly focused on spreading the word about the effects of PTSD in the 911 community, and the need for better support and services for our personnel.  She recently started a photography project titled “You Are Not Alone: Portraits of the Gold Line Family” in order to put a face to the faceless, and raise awareness that no matter what our title or role is within 911, we’re all in this together.  She is always on the lookout for new learning opportunities, and is forever grateful to CCM for educating her about her “C” and “D” type personality (as are those around her!).   She firmly believes that a sense of humor, direct communication, and kindness are the keys needed to making it through this life.  When she’s taking a moment to breath, you’ll find her under a barbell, behind a camera, in a book, or spending time with her menagerie of pets.