This is what we do...what have you done today?
As 911 dispatchers we deal with all kinds of situations. We speak to many different people and the calls are never the same. The majority of the calls we take on 911 are actually non-emergency. You wouldn't think that when picking up a 911 call the conversation would be about loud noise from the neighbors or a horse in someones yard but it happens. When a 911 call comes in and it is a true emergency it can go to hell and fast. Being on our end of the phone we do anything and everything we can to keep our callers and emergency personnel safe. Whether we're keeping a feuding couple separated or giving GPS coordinates to help find those in need of help, we do our best. I want to give props to those who worked in dispatch this past weekend and those who worked during the storms a couple weekends ago. I am proud to work with all of you. The video below is a taste of what we do. What have you done today? PS. I show up in this video but I was not involved in the call featured in the video so the props go to my co-workers not me, although I believe I owe doughnuts for being on TV.