12 years ago today...

12 years ago today you were born. It was one of the happiest moments of my life. I cried when you were born and the warmth in my heart was overwhelming. I remember everything about the short time we spent together. You seemed to learn so fast and when I got my turntables you wanted me to lift you so that you could scratch the records along with me. Your mother and I purchased you a set of Rugrats furniture just for you and I remember how much you enjoyed them. You used to sit in the couch and stretch your legs and relax. I remember laughing because you looked like such a little man sitting there. Those were good times my son. You were so active as I'm sure you are today. I would wake up in the morning to check on you and it became a thing for us where I would walk in and you would jump up and yell, "Hey!" at the same time as me. I loved doing that with you, it was what we did. There were many times that we laughed and where your mother and I laughed at something cute you did. One moment I remember fondly was around Halloween and your mother and I played, "It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" for you. You sat and watched intently as the Peanuts gang paraded on the screen. There is a scene where Snoopy starts blowing a leaf in the air as he walks over to Charlie Brown. You laughed so hard every time Snoopy blew it up in the air and we laughed at how cute you were. I remember it like it was yesterday. There were also times where you and I would wrestle and you learned how to throw a fake punch and fast. When it was my turn you took a dive like a pro and when you went down you would close your eyes and then open one to see what I was doing and you would jump back up for more.

We had the best of times my son. It's been a long time since we have seen each other. I'm unsure whether you know anything about me now but I hope that one day you will look for me. I hope that we will be able to talk to each other and catch up on everything that we have missed. As of right now you have a younger 7 year old brother named Logan. I tell him about you...well what I know about you at present time and he digs you. You also have a little sister named Lola who was born about a week ago. She's a cutie, I know you'd love her the way you love your other sisters. Although I have not seen you in a long time, I miss you dearly. I hope you had the greatest day today my son. I love you very much Richie and happy birthday. We will see each other again some day. Until that day...