Marking the end of 2011
2011 was a great year for me. So many things happened to my family and I this year that it’s hard to capture them all in one post. First off I have to mention a moment that changed my family. That change is sitting in her Bumbo chair drooling and smiling at me. That change is none other than my daughter Lola. On August 29th, 2011 my beautiful princess made her appearance. She’s officially 4 months now and since her birth so many things have happened. She’s growing fast and she looks more and more like her mother every day. She coos, giggles, and smiles all the time. I can’t help but be taken back whenever she flashes a smile at me. She’s funny in the little things that she does. My world has definitely changed and I’ll be the first to admit that I am wrapped around her little finger.
Before our bundle of joy was born, I took a supervisor position in dispatch. It has been great and I work with an excellent group of people. I also started Jabber Log around April 2011 and to date I have over 13,700 hits with 122 subscribers on WordPress. 37 Twitter followers and 101 Facebook fans follow up those numbers. I started Jabber Log as something small where I would share dispatch stories and news from around the world but it turned into something more. As I generated post after post I quickly fell into my first passion, writing. I have always loved writing but as I got into design and started school, my writing took a back seat.
With Jabber Log my passion returned. My blog turned into somewhat of a self-discovery. I have shared many stories with all of you. Some stories are ones that no one knew about. I opened the floodgates to the life experiences that made me who I am today. I don’t know a lot of people who would share so much with the public but I felt the need to let everything out. I find writing to be very therapeutic and Jabber Log has helped me express my feelings. I have held back stories involving my eldest son Richie in the past but with Jabber Log I have been able to get them out and share them. About two or three months ago I saw my son. It was bittersweet and although I wish I could have said something to him, I know that one day I will get the chance to tell him everything I have ever wanted to say to him. It may sound weird to share all this with total strangers but I see it as a tool to help someone else out there. Maybe someone else is dealing with something similar to what I have experienced. Reading my posts may be able to help that person.
Whatever the case may be, my blogging has become something more than expected and it has opened up some great opportunities. With Jabber Log, I have been given the chance to explore the world of cloth diapers, promote a talented artist, and design banners for the likes of Farmington High School Choir, and Jackie Green of WGRD, a local Rock Radio Station. I have also added extra writers to Jabber Log and we can only go up from here and into 2012. Thank you to my family, the Jabber Log writing team, my friends, the talented Maddie Larkin, Candis of EcoBuns, the always awesome Sheri Jaffurs, and the beautiful and outgoing Jackie Green for allowing me to express myself through them in order to promote and spread the word on everything they do. 2011 comes to end but 2012 holds so much more. New and grand opportunities are coming my way and although I cannot speak of them at this moment, I can at least say that they are superb and I will share it with everyone as soon as I can. Happy New Year and here’s to another excellent year!