From grade school dances to the big show.
Hot on the heels of my last post based on grade school dances comes Prom. You remember Prom right? Well, so do I and had I combined everything in my last post it would have been huge. Instead I decided to break it up into two different posts to make it less drawn out. So depending on your school era, what do you remember about your prom? Was it the fancy clothes, the dancing, the food, the limo, the big hair? I know what you're thinking, big hair? Yes, certain era's had big hair and actually every era had big hair at one time or another. My era included big bangs with tons of Aqua Net hairspray but when I went to prom this had long since passed. Prom for me was fun but it wasn't like what you see in movies. I mean, the general idea was the same but in no way did it include all the drama that comes with movies or TV shows.
I was a Junior when I went to my first prom. Going into that year I had begun dating a beautiful redhead named Melissa. I met her the summer before at the Super Valu (yes, without the "E") in Douglas. We worked together and I pursued her. After several dates and hanging out we made our relationship official and became boyfriend and girlfriend. We were always together and although it got me into hot water with my dad, I was determined to spend as much time with her as i could and when it came to what my dad thought I could care less. When prom came around it was a big deal. If I remember correctly, we went to a dress shop in Kalamazoo and the dress she bought was red. My tux included a vest and such that matched the color of Melissa's dress. Although I was told by some that my tux looked like a waiters uniform, I thought it was killer. When the night came we were dressed to impress. The prom was held at a golf course in Holland and it was pretty nice. The place was packed and full of the usual prom activities. We danced, took pictures and had an all around good time.
My senior prom was even better. Melissa and I were once again dressed to kill and we were styling in my '83 Chevy Camaro. She of course looked great both times but I on the other hand probably looked like a dork. At the time I got a lot of compliments and I thought I looked cool but looking back at it now, I may have looked odd. Judging from the picture I provided in this post I probably looked like Duckie. My dancing is way better, in my mind, but I'm definitely zany and weird like him. No matter how I looked or danced, we had an excellent experience. Those were good times back then. It's good for all of us to keep memories like this in mind. As we get older we forget how carefree we once were. We become so consumed with life that we fail to stop for a moment and enjoy what we experience. Back in school there were no worries. Things were rather easy and we were able to take the time to enjoy what we had. Those times are long gone but not forgotten. The memories live on and that's why I post topics like this. It's a good way to generate conversation between everyone and share stories. So here's your chance folks. What made prom memorable? What did you enjoy most and if you care to, you can even say who you went with. Happy reading and reflecting. Cheers!