Jabber Newsletter by TinyLetter
Good morning! I'd like to thank everyone for reading up on Jabber Log. A lot of new things have been added and they have been running rather smooth. The transition from WordPress.com to WordPress.org has been an experience. I lost a few things as well as the ability to automatically send out emails to my subscribers. I went from 153 to 0. I'm not sure why this happened but I still have the email addresses for everyone and I have been trying to find a better way to reach my readers. I was going to use MailChimp but through a conversation with a colleague I decided against it. A family member of mine did mention a service named TinyLetter that was recently acquired by MailChimp. The service allows for a simple newsletter to be sent out to email subscribers, and features a way to continue a discussion with those who reply to the newsletter.
I will supply a short video below that describes the service and add a link to the main page of Jabber Log for others to subscribe. This will be the first time using this service so please comment or reply when the newsletter is sent out. I want to know how well this works out. If a bi-weekly or monthly newsletter is better than an email every time a new post is added, I would like to know. The point is to keep you interested in reading Jabber Log rather than get the feeling of being spammed with post after post. For those who have recently subscribed I have added your email addresses to the list. Those who subscribed before the transition have also been added. Now, don't think this is something you have to subscribe to. You can easily unsubscribe but know that I do appreciate your continued loyalty. If this works I will be deleting the regular email subscription and using the newsletter instead. It will feature recent posts and upcoming stories or events. Thanks again for reading and your continued support. Make sure to comment and let me know your choice or opinion on the idea of a bi-weekly or monthly newsletter rather than an email each time a post is added to Jabber Log. Cheers!