Here's to Another Year of Awesome!

"To make mistakes is human; to stumble is commonplace; to be able to laugh at yourself is maturity." - William Arthur Ward Today is the day of my birth, I am 31. I have gone through a lot to get to this point in my life. I have made mistakes, stumbled, and learned to laugh at myself. I can say that I have definitely matured over the years. Since my 30th birthday I have started Jabber Log, graduated with my Bachelors in Graphic Design, started my Masters in New Media Journalism, and most importantly, my daughter Lola was born. My wife and children are doing great and I am working hard to move forward within my current and upcoming career.

Although everything has been going well, there is always room for improvement. There are a lot of changes I want to make. I know it will take time but by my 32nd birthday, I want to have most of my goals accomplished. Around this time next year I would like to be deep within my design career, as well as advancing further in my current career. It's going to take a lot of hard work but I'm up to the challenge. I have ideas that will take my center to the next level. I hope I get the opportunity to prove what I'm worth and how our dispatch can become one of the top in many categories. I want my design work to continue to flourish but what I need is to work hands-on with those within my industry. I know that I will find the right internship to get me to the next level through networking online and in person.

Next year I will also have my Masters and that alone will open up many doors for me. I have already done so much with my writing and I plan on doing much more. With everything I have in mind, I have to stop and thank my wife and kids for putting up with me through my college career. It has been a hell of a ride and I thank you for supporting me. Thanks also goes out to the rest of my family, my work crew who kicks ass every day, my friends and especially those who have participated in my projects during school. The characters you helped me develop are truly a masterpiece and they will come full circle in the coming year. I would also like to say thank you to Candis of EcoBuns, who helped me add a little cloth to my life and blog, to Cassidy of Cassidy Rae Studio for giving me the chance to design for her, to Jackie of 97.9 WGRD for hooking me up with a sweet feature on the rock stations web site for work I did for her and my projects, to Sheri Jaffurs for the opportunity to design for her choir, to Maddie Larkin who I helped promote here on Jabber Log in the beginning of her country music career, to Sgt. Scott Tatrow who taught me that,

"Life is short, Live it. Love is rare, Grab it. Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is awful, face it. Memories are sweet,cherish it"

RIP brother. To everyone who is currently assisting me in my design career and finally, a big thanks to all of the loyal readers of Jabber Log! I couldn't have done it without you and I'm excited for the coming year. Thank you for the birthday wishes, I appreciate it more than you know. Here's to another year of awesome folks and as always, the show goes on! Cheers!
