Within the Trenches Episode 9
Good morning! I hope you are ready for a few stories from America’s hat. This week on Within the Trenches, Bobbi of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) joined us for episode 9 over Skype. Her stories and training were not only interesting but if I had started out my dispatching career in her center I might have gone insane. I mean, think about it,
“911 where is your emergency?”
“I have a bear in my yard!”
“An avalanche just slammed down in the area!”
Yeah…that would have been pretty crazy but I’m sure it would have been fun and an experience to take a call like that. The episode was fully balanced with humor, seriousness, and all around AWESOME! As always you can email us at thejcast@thejabberlog.com and we are currently seeking sponsors for the show. We are also seeking more people to participate and we do have an open call event on Facebook so make sure to check that out.
We are looking for people that bleed dispatch and want to share their experience and story with not only us but also all of our listeners. Sell it to us and let us know why you would be a good choice for the show. Whitney and I firmly believe that everyone has a great story to tell and everyone is important but we are looking for those who really want to be on the show. So this is what you need to do if you want to apply to be on the show.
- Join/attend our open call
- Become a fan of Jabber Log on Facebook and send us a message through there with your experience, any memorable stories and why you should be on the show.
- Oh! And please leave a good email address/contact info in case we are unable to reach you through Facebook.
In the end, it’s all about you, the unsung hero’s of emergency services. It’s your story and we want to help tell it. Make sure to listen, share and if you would like to learn more about the RCMP and a new Facebook page that highlights the 9-1-1 dispatchers of Canada, please follow the links below. Without further ado, I present to you the ninth episode of Within the Trenches.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | Web
Radio Angels Canada | Facebook