Within the Trenches Ep 45
Good afternoon everyone and welcome back to another awesome episode of Within the Trenches. In this episode I hosted our first Google+ Hangout. This was a live broadcast and although we had some minor technical difficulties I feel that it worked out rather well. This episode featured Gary Allen, editor of Dispatch Monthly (911dispatch.com), Ryan, a 9-1-1 dispatcher out of Pennsylvania and our podcast promotion featured 911Trainer.com.
We suffered a minor audio issue with Ryan in the beginning so he signed out of the discussion but we will have him on another episode that will feature his 9-1-1 experience. Between Gary and I, we hit topics such as 9-1-1 call accuracy, text to
9-1-1, taking ridiculous calls and much more! Below you will find links to Gary’s website, our podcast promotion and other sites we discussed on the show. You will also find two videos below. The first video is of our Hangout and the second features a video I played on the show but did not show up to the viewers. So…ever wonder what text FROM 9-1-1 would look like? Well, the second video is a teaser and shows what some dispatchers in Indiana are already using. As always you can email the show at wttpodcast@gmail.com.
911Trainer.com – Web | Linkedin | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube
Dispatch Monthly – Web
Urgent Communications – Web
NTIA - Web
Episode topics –
- An intro to Gary Allen of Dispatch Monthly
- The release and controversy of the Newtown 9-1-1 tapes
- The definition of “response time”
- 9-1-1 call accuracy
- FirstNet