A day in the life...A response...
I read the news today oh boy, about the OMB who denied again, and though the news was rather sad, well I just had to laugh…
See…I could sing a song, write an angry letter or I could send a blanket tweet, but I’m not going to do that. Instead I am going to acknowledge the bigger picture here, which are the 9-1-1 call takers and dispatchers. Now, this isn’t the first time you were denied a reclassification. People fought for this and instead of waiting on the sidelines, many of you took this fight into your own hands by joining a grassroots movement to prove the difference between clerical and protective. You poured your hearts out by sharing your stories and once you did, there was no stopping it.
The Thin Gold Line joined forces for a common goal, to show the world what you do on a daily basis. Word spread of your heart wrenching stories. Others in public safety acknowledged your importance, callers shared their stories by thanking you for your help and those in different countries joined in solidarity by sharing their own stories. You opened the eyes of millions and although you were denied again, you gained respect and recognition your way. That my friends, is something to be proud of. I don’t see today’s decision as a failure or a loss. I see it as a win because your stories made a difference. Your stories have turned the news media around from showing bad stories to recognizing what you do, what it is like in dispatch and the stress and emotional weight it includes. We know how hard this job is and now…they do too.
Although I am upset with the response regarding the reclassification issue I am damn proud of the Thin Gold Line. Your stories reached out and let others know that they are not alone. We have healed and experienced a little closure and your stories will continue to reach a bigger audience. Thank you to those who supported us since day one, to those who have shared stories and those who continue to share. The movement continues…