One Voice


Guest blog post by
Rosa A. Ramos, Dispatch Manager, CALNENA Executive Board Member
(Written a day after the introduction of AB 1945)

Yesterday was a great day for all California 9-1-1 Professionals. Assemblyman Rudy Salas held a press conference introducing AB 1945 which would reclassify Public Safety Dispatchers as First Responders. As we all know, many States throughout the Country have attempted to pass a similar bill. Last year, the state of Texas passed House Bill 1090, which changed the state definition of a first responder to include public safety dispatchers. This bill was signed into law and went into effect in September 2019. The introduction of this bill in California all started with one voice, Ms. Maribel Stinson, Public Support Services Administrator from The Handford Police Department.

It was an amazing day at the Capitol, being able to stand there with a phenomenal group of Dispatchers, to see them smile and laugh. To witness the excitement of their faces as the State Assemblymembers talked about how much they value their role in the 9-1-1 system. The one thing that stood out the most for me through out the day was that it took just one voice to start the movement here in California. As Dispatchers, I think we are all very good at talking amongst one another about the challenges of the job, the staffing issues, the room is too hot, it’s too cold, turn the lights off, keep them on and what we think we deserve.  But the one thing we have not been able to master is the ability to advocate for ourselves. This event was a perfect example of why we need to be our biggest advocates. If not us then who? Who best to share with the world about the importance of our careers than us?

They say “A closed mouth doesn’t get fed” and I tell you what, everyone there was hungry and it wasn’t for a meal. Everyone was hungry for recognition, recognition for their hard work, for respect. That’s all that we asked for yesterday and continue to ask for, respect. Never in my life or career would I have imagined myself up there at the State level. I always joke about it, I joke and call it my “Nancy” moment but my “Nancy” moment filled up my cup. It reminded me of why I chose to promote. It reminded me why I chose to give back by being part of the CALNENA Executive Board. It reminded me why I care so much about my Dispatchers. My Center. It filled me with gratitude not only for my team, but I feel so grateful for being able to view what happened yesterday as a learning opportunity. I learned that it really takes one voice to prompt for change. Now it’s up to us to unify our voices. I am beyond proud to be a 9-1-1 Dispatcher.






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