How do we keep our talent on our team?


Dare to be Great Silver Sponsor Guest Blog
Written by - Matt Molter
Founder - Agency360

Founder and CEO of Agency360 Public Safety Software and former police officer Matthew Molter gives a sneak peek at ways to create a great employee experience that makes your team want to stay.

I’m not saying anything new when I tell you that we’re in an unprecedented time in public safety. Expectations continue to rise, while the task of attracting and keeping the right people on our teams gets tougher and tougher. 

These days I’m the founder and CEO of a company called Agency360. We make software that helps the next generation in public safety learn new skills, set their standards high, and then meet them time and time again. But before this phase of my life, I started my career in public safety. 

My first day in the industry was in 911 dispatch and it was...terrifying. All the tools I was shown, all the things I had to remember, all the pressure that was on my shoulders – it all had me wondering: “Is this really the right job for me?” And I think all of us in public safety have had moments like that. What happens after can often determine whether you stay or go.

If we look at the reasons why people leave this job1 – even if they love it – it all boils down to three basics: stressed, overworked, and under appreciated. Do we ever mean to make our teams feel this way? Of course not. But let’s break down why it happens.


Telecommunications has been named one of the 13 most stressful jobs in this country2. It’s impossible to know who or what is going to be on the other side of the call, and dispatchers often interact with someone who’s having the worst day of their life3. It would be hard not to take that stress home, and many dispatchers experience a higher risk of PTSD4 and vicarious trauma. Plus, they can feel defeated when they can’t solve a problem or help in the way they wanted to. 


Because this job is 24/7 and not 9 to 5, it’s easy to see how insufficient staffing comes into play. Emergencies don’t service themselves, and the job can’t be automated. Put it all together and some teams can end up feeling woefully overworked. Why are teams understaffed to begin with? The nature of the work is one reason; it’s not for everyone. Attracting the right talent is tough enough on its own. Budget can be another reason; you simply might not have the approval to hire more team members. And as tough of a pill as it is to swallow, the work culture and environment can be another reason it’s hard to build a team, which leads to my next point: feeling under appreciated.

Under appreciated

Let’s not confuse gratification or purpose with appreciation. Sure, each team member knows that when they take a call they’re potentially making an impact on someone’s life. But do they know that they’re making a difference on their own team? How often are they coached, celebrated, rewarded, and educated on the things that really matter to them? If the answer is rarely, they’re likely to feel less appreciated – even if they love the actual job – and thus be more receptive when other job opportunities pop up. 

So how do we nurture our teams so that when tough moments arise they want to stay? What can you do to keep your team engaged? Getting this right can be the difference between good agencies and great agencies. 

Fortunately, I believe the solution is mostly rooted in communication. And better communication is well within your reach. 

In fact, that’s what we designed our software to help you do. Not only does Agency360 take your program into the world of streamlined online management, but it also gives you valuable, meaningful insight into each and every member of your team, who they are, and how they’re doing. From training and onboarding to performance evaluations, we’ve expanded to support the entire professional journey – and your entire program – in one place.  And it’s not just about front-line or first-level employees; our tools are built to successfully onboard and evaluate supervisors as they grow through their own career.

If you’d like a live demonstration of Agency360 software and how it brings all of your agency’s communication into one, streamlined program, head to I’ll see you at Dare to be Great!





