A Glimpse at Greatness: What’s to Come at Dare to be Great
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Dare to be Great Diamond Sponsor Guest Blog
Written by - Laken Detweiler
Social Media Specialist - INdigital
W O W ! It’s almost time for the fall Dare to be Great Conference, and we have some awesome speakers from INdigital lined up for you, and we are looking forward to kicking October 6th off for you folks! Like we’ve said before, this conference is about you and helping you to be confident, bold, mindful, great and so much more! A handful of our team was you, so they get it. They’ve been in your shoes, they’re walking with you, and we all want to help keep you and your community safe.
For this virtual conference Curt, Caleb, Lori, and Vicky are going to be working to help you become great through a variety of conversations. We are welcoming you on day one! We want to inspire you and help you lead a great life. We are committed to being the best at what we do, and we want you to be the best at what you do, so we will share a few insights on how to push for greatness.
Vicky and Lori are helping wrap day one up. You can catch them talking with Ricardo and Grand Traverse Director Leah during After the Greatness! Vicky started dispatching in 1997, and for the last four years of her dispatching career, she was the director. In 2016 Vicky joined the INdigital staff. We were one of the first vendors she worked with as a director and she was pleased with our customer service and support, so she ended up joining because she believes in what INdigital was and is doing for 911. As for Lori, she started dispatching in 1989 then became a shift supervisor before becoming a director. She has been at INdigital for just over 10 years! Lori and Vicky bring so much to the table and they are excited to share with all of you folks during Dare to be Great.
Caleb is discussing network analytics and visibility, a fancy and short way to say that knowing what your data looks like is important because it corresponds with what’s going on in your community. 911 Logix is our web-based real-time analysis service, and it provides public safety agencies with solutions to operational challenges. It gives you data needed to make decisions that impact your PSAP and your community.
Curt, a veteran INdigital employee, is talking about disaster recovery and PSAP continuity. Disaster recovery and PSAP continuity are really about making sure that if there is any kind of unplanned incident to your PSAP or it the equipment you have a plan for your calls. That may mean they get sent to a standalone backup (your MEVO, which many of you love), to another PSAP, etc. but regardless of where they go your community calls are being answered.
We are looking forward to improving the 911 industry with you! This conference is about you, and we are a diamond sponsor of Dare to be Great because of you. You work hard every day to keep your community safe, and we want to show our support. We hope that you take away mounds of valuable information to use in your daily life, but we also hope that we learn from you.
As a full-service public safety provider, we understand what is on the line and we are here to walk beside you as we all improve the 911 industry, together.
About INdigital
INdigital is a research and development company specializing in high availability 9-1-1 and supporting public safety systems. In 2004, INdigital was selected by the Indiana 9-1-1 Board to build a new type of 9-1-1 network, which later became known as Next Generation 9-1-1. The company built the first large scale public safety network of its kind in the United States. Over time, the company has continued to evolve, and pioneered some of the most advanced services available in our market segments. The company is a strong advocate of industry standards and interoperability, critical to improving public safety. The company provides service in multiple states and regions and provides service directly and through business partnerships and operating agreements. To learn more information about INdigital visit