5 Reasons Why AT&T and RapidDeploy are Revolutionizing the Public Safety Industry Together

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Guest blog written by
Todd Komanetsky, Director of Channel Sales and Strategic Partnerships | RapidDeploy

Late last year, AT&T and RapidDeploy expanded their strategic alliance giving AT&T’s existing and prospective customers access to RapidDeploy’s suite of cloud-native Unified Critical Response solutions.

RapidDeploy’s software suite is AT&T’s preferred solution so Emergency Communication Centers across the country can confidently adopt cloud native technologies that enable them to leverage modern communications, data and resources to better serve their communities.

Why is this collaboration so important?

1)     It brings the best of both worlds: experience and innovation.

AT&T’s vast experience coupled with RapidDeploy’s proven technology creates the perfect synergy. AT&T has a proven track record of being a trusted 9-1-1 solutions provider for over 140 years. RapidDeploy has disrupted the public safety industry by delivering secure cloud-native solutions that integrate best of breed technologies available in the consumer enterprise space, enabling Next Generation 9-1-1 capabilities today.

2)     Together, AT&T and RapidDeploy provide smarter and safer emergency response.

Joining forces with AT&T, RapidDeploy has created a suite of 9-1-1 innovation technology that's dynamically changing the industry. Its’ cloud-native Unified Critical Response solution helps both existing and prospective AT&T customers leverage data to advance their emergency response capabilities. At the core of Unified Critical Response is a diverse ecosystem of industry-leading partners. The ecosystem enables trusted best in class partners to collaborate creating intuitive seamless interfaces that simplify workflows and speed up responses to emergencies. Click here to learn more about our Unified Critical Response Ecosystem.

3)     The relationship provides modern solutions running across America’s strongest network.

As you may know, AT&T is powering the nation’s first-ever nationwide public safety broadband network for America’s first responders. AT&T positions itself as the ideal partner to help ensure highly resilient network communications, which are essential for seamless connectivity to the RapidDeploy cloud for both 9-1-1 centers and field responders.

4)     AT&T and RapidDeploy are making public safety technology available.

Together, RapidDeploy and AT&T are delivering scalable pricing to the public safety industry. This pricing is determined by the number of named responders or concurrent units/vehicles, plus concurrent Dispatchers and Call-Takers in an organization -- and it’s charged on a monthly basis. The pricing model allows every 9-1-1 agency -- regardless of size, geography or budget -- to have access to the data they need -- when it matters the most -- to help save more lives.

5)     The collaboration has achieved an excellent track record in a very short time.

Within a few months, RapidDeploy and AT&T have helped PSAPs once overwhelmed by data, sift through it with ease and uncover actionable insights. Even more notable is the fact that the collaboration helped save a 9-1-1 caller in rural Kansas who was unable to provide his location, but using RadiusPlus mapping the Telecommunicator was able to determine exactly where he was.

See for yourself why over 600 Emergency Communication Centers have entrusted RadiusPlus innovative technology. [https://ng911bundle.rapiddeploy.com]


Ricardo Martinez IIComment