Six years later - The #IAM911 movement continues...

Tomorrow marks the sixth anniversary of the birth of the #IAM911 movement. What started as a way to raise awareness for the reclassification issue quickly evolved into a form of peer support as 9-1-1 professionals from around the world united to share their personal stories. Jamison Peevyhouse, VP of Public Safety at RapidSOS has said that the #IAM911 movement is the, "greatest public education campaign for 9-1-1."

A big thanks goes out to the Industry Partners, the public, and those in the field who have supported us since day 1, but most importantly, the Thin Gold Line, the most vital piece of public safety. You had the courage to stand up, unite, and pour your hearts out. You not only shared your stories, but you opened the eyes of millions around the world.

Thank you for the job you do. Hold your head up high and never be afraid to share or ask for help. For a long time it felt as though we were not allowed to feel but we have been sharing since the birth of the #IAM911 movement, and together, we have changed the landscape of 9-1-1, and how the world sees us. Our work continues through the power of storytelling, and on August 24, 2022, we will continue to do so by sharing our stories.

Please join me by sharing your own #IAM911 story on social or send them to and I will share them for you. Episode 456 will also go live tomorrow at 2pm ET and will tell the story of the birth of the movement. I will also be going live to share some insight and do a few giveaways. Thank you for the continued support and the #IAM911 movement continues…