Hurricane hits Iowa and 911 Leadership Gold Announced


Dare to be Great Silver Sponsor Guest Blog
Written by - Joe McCarville
Owner/Instructor - 911 Gold Line Training

Derecho—August 10, 2020

On August 10, 2020, the state of Iowa was hit with an inland hurricane—a Derecho!  In Iowa!  The storm was 700 miles long and was 50 miles wide.  At approximately 1225 the tornado sirens sounded throughout Linn County; Iowa due to projected winds that were going to be more than 70 mph.  Looking out the 3rd floor window in the 911 center where I work it was a bright, clear, sunny day and the tornado sirens were sounding.  I instantly turned on the radio in my office as well as the TV.  The weather announcements sounded tense—they sounded different than normal just how serious this storm was.  I immediately called building maintenance to make sure they were at or near the building to start the generator as we had been having issues with the generator recently.  I then proceeded to call our Captain that oversees the building to give him a heads up that the incoming storm sounds serious.  9 minutes after I turned on the TV and at exactly 1234 hrs. the 911 center and police department/fire department where I work was inundated with phone calls and wind.  We lost power almost immediately.  As predicted the generator did not start automatically.  I knew building maintenance was close and my #1 priority at this time was the safety of the 911 dispatchers.  We work on 3rd floor surrounded by windows—great view most days but very ominous when storms are coming right at the building.  Our backup UPS system is rated for 2 hours so I knew we had some time to get the generator going.  The wind kept getting worse and worse and all our phone lines were constantly ringing.  Our state is set up that wireless phone calls automatically roll to another PSAP (public safety answering point) that we define.  We had defined the County 911 center as we are not consolidated and are in different locations.  The storm was so wide and long all our backup centers were extremely busy and some of their calls were ringing to us and our calls were ringing to them. 

This is just the start of what working during the August 10th Derecho was like.  I will be explaining everything that happened that day including how our 911 dispatchers are some of the most amazing people in the world—like all of you that have overcome every hurdle in 2020. 

I will also explain how learning about my communication style prior to the Derecho helped me during, immediately after and long term in communicating with our staff.  I will also share a few things that were learning experiences along the way.  At the end of the session I will announce the program 911 Leadership Gold as well.  I hope to see you on October 7, 2020—thank you 911 for everything you do.  It is appreciated!