Inside INdigital: 11 reassuring thoughts because your career is hard

10 things we are grateful for in 2020-2.png

Guest blog written by
Laken Detweiler
Social Media Specialist - INdigital

As telecommunicators, you take calls that you may never know the end result of. You talk to people on what could be the worst day of their life. You provide a calming voice of help in their dark times, the times where they struggle. Additionally, you also have the everyday stressors that every person with a job has. As we head into a new year, all of us at INdigital just want to remind you that you are doing a great job. Your excellent work is not going unnoticed. 

A handful of our team members provided some words of advice or encouragement for those days where things just seem extra tough. 

"Don't be afraid of change! The world changes every day, and so does technology. At INdigital, we try every day to make the work of a dispatcher simpler, more bearable. Most of us come from a PSAP and understand where you are and the environment you're dealing with. Another thing is to never say never! I would have never imagined going to the "dark side," as they call it (private sector), but I am so happy I decided to join the team. I have learned so much in the last year about 9-1-1, and I am encouraged by where our state is going." - Holly, Alabama Service Manager

"I want telecommunicators and directors to know that we are here for you and will do whatever it takes to deliver on our promises." - Stacy, Florida Market Manager

"Don't give up. You are a hero, first responder, and a key player to all those other first responders, under your umbrella." - Jodi, Illinois Market Manager

"Every day is a day to learn something new and try to better yourself. What's good today can be better tomorrow." - Caleb, Alabama Market Manager

"You are smart, you are strong, you are a compassionate listener, and fierce advocate for people in their time of need!" - Brent, Project Manager

"We collectively protect the public because not everyone can help themselves in times of need. Many times, this work is appreciated, sometimes it is not. In these hardest times, we can't lose focus of the good we are doing. We need to use it to persevere through the tough times like today." -James, Chief Innovation Officer

"Winston Churchill said it best: 'If you're going through hell, keep going. You won't regret it.'" - Mark, President

“My encouraging thought for telecommunicators/directors is RPSS/INdigital works hard to make your job easier.” - Bob, Regional Sales Account Manager

"You aren't alone. There are others in the 911 industry dedicated to making your job easier." - Brian, Implementation Specialist/Engineer

"Every day is a day to learn something new and try to better yourself. What's good today can be better tomorrow." - Caleb, Alabama Market Manager

"You are appreciated more than you could know, by those you serve, by doing the great job you do, each and every day." - Jim, 911 Sales

"It's a good time to look and move towards the future. There is light at the end of the tunnel now." - Deb, Director of Regulatory Affairs

We all just want you to know that we see you, and we appreciate you. Many of our employees have been in your shoes, so they can relate. Keep showing up for yourself and your callers, and know that you aren't alone.