Nimbus and RadiusPlus Now Display PSAP Contact Info Nationwide Improving Telecommunicator Efficiency

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Guest blog written by
Brooks Shannon - VP GIS | RapidDeploy

As a Telecommunicator, you want to be as efficient as possible when dispatching calls. Lives depend on it – not just the caller’s but the well-being of the first responders you are dispatching. You want to make sure you send the emergency personnel to the right place and provide them with the information they need to know ahead of time so they’re aware of exactly what they’re getting into. Having the right tools to quickly access maps without fumbling around on multiple screens, being able to accurately geolocate the call – even if it’s misrouted or needs to be transferred – and having the right informational context, is vital.

That’s why we are excited to announce that RapidDeploy now integrates NENA’s Enhanced PSAP Registry and Census (EPRC) into its Nimbus CAD and RadiusPlus tactical mapping solutions.

The cloud-native Nimbus dispatch program integrates sophisticated location mapping with real-time data to ensure Telecommunicators can respond rapidly and with accurate information. RadiusPlus provides you with best-in-class mapping. It’s helped Telecommunicators in over 600 PSAPs – both large and small - to optimize contextual and informational views of a location within seconds.

NENA’s new map-based PSAP registry contains the geographic boundaries of all PSAPs in the country. Using RapidDeploy’s Nimbus or RadiusPlus, Telecommunicators can view the integrated EPRC map directly within the maps used daily for call-taking and dispatching. And you don’t have to open a separate mapping application in a separate application or browser tab to view it.

By integrating NENA’s EPRC into RapidDeploy solutions, Telecommunicators gain a valuable tool when handling misrouted calls or transferring a call to out-of-area agencies. And there’s no extra charge for the service. Before these solutions, a Telecommunicator receiving a 9-1-1 call out of their normal service area took several minutes to locate the 10-digit PSAP administrative number that services the caller’s location. In an industry where seconds could mean the difference between life and death – that’s an unacceptable margin.

So, how does it work for you? 

In addition to integrating authoritative Esri GIS data and map layers, Telecommunicators also have access to a global set of base maps. A Telecommunicator receiving a misrouted 9-1-1 call -- or one that must be transferred to another agency – simply clicks the map to see which PSAP should handle the call based on the actual emergency location. The Telecommunicator quickly views the PSAP’s phone number and can immediately use it to transfer the call. It’s a dramatic reduction in time while ensuring that the right PSAP gets the call.

By leveraging native integration with NENA’s EPRC, the time taken to locate the right information and transfer the call is cut considerably. This time difference could mean the difference between life and death. 

To learn more please contact RapidDeploy.